Maybe at some point you have wondered how a soccer camp is organized. Maybe not, because those of you who participate only have to worry about enjoying yourselves. But today we are going to tell you what the process is like from planning to execution.
First of all, we must emphasise that all this effort and work is carried out by people who give their all so that a good result is obtained. And that good result, as we have said before, is that the children are delighted and want to repeat. Let´s see how to run a soccer camp.
First of all, the teams concerned make a thorough study of possible locations for setting up a camp. There are cities that do not have the necessary facilities or that do not meet certain standards.
The aim is to find a place in the USA and/or Canada that is viable in different terms: economically and logistically (for example, in terms of moving equipment), and above all geographically.
If the city is viable and the camp works, it is likely that more than one date will be available in the same location. We also rely on feedback from participants and parents to determine this assessment.
A route is a set of cities that go in the same direction within a territory. That route makes a loop, i.e. it ends and starts in the same place. At this point, when we add a city, we have to think about whether we are adding it to an existing route or creating a new one.
If the latter is the case, it is a good chance to see new opportunities in other locations that can be added to that route. Or, cities that are already part of a route may also be added to the new one.
This soccer camp planning is based on creating an intelligent and efficient process at a logistical and operational level. In the end, good organization leads to results, which are reflected in the camps.
During the soccer camp registration process, some last things happen that are necessary to close the operation. All these registrations are monitored, and the event is organized according to them.
In what sense? Mainly, in the elements that are needed in the camp: number of coaches, number of uniforms, number of fields that there are and/or we need in that facility, etc.
Only in this way, each camp will function independently with all the required and necessary material and personnel. Otherwise, there could be unnecessary extra resources, or worse, at some point in the camp, elements that are not there could be needed.
This is how a soccer camp is organized. First of all, we have given a general overview of the process, but keep in mind that each step has smaller, more elaborate ones.
The soccer camp organization requires extensive planning and effort to ensure a successful event. But the result, which is reflected in the smiles of the children, is always worth it.
For more information about our camps, please visit our website.