Being on the front line ahead of the goalkeeper can be challenging. If you are a defender, you are part of the last bastion before the opposing forwards have a chance to score. Let’s take a look at some general tips on how to be a better defender and defensive skills you should improve.
We already gave you some tips for strikers on another occasion. Now, let’s go across the field to see what happens closer to our goal and analyze some defensive tactics and soccer defending tips. How should we wait for the attack? What can we do when we face an opponent? How do we stop his advance?
The moment has arrived. The ball has crossed the middle of the field and overtaken the rest of our players. We are the defense, our duty is to stop the attack and get the ball back. If the ball reaches the net, the chances of scoring are significantly higher.
When the strikers arrive, we must literally make a nuisance of ourselves. It is important to be a barrier between the ball and our goal. In this way, we will force them to look for another position and they will find fewer openings. Hopefully, we will push them to the wing.
If we maintain a balanced posture, we will be able to respond better to sudden changes of direction. To do this, we will bend our knees slightly, with our feet shoulder width apart and the weight of our body on the tips of our toes.
With the right posture, it will be easier to anticipate. If we know how to study our surroundings, we will be able to guess where the striker is going to go. To do this, it is also good to know the players and the opposing team in advance, to know their style of play and possible moves in front of goal.
Similarly, there is an art to knowing when to make a tackle. If we get the timing right and head for the ball, we will be more effective. If our only objective is to steal it without studying the moment, we will commit a foul and increase the danger. That is why it is important to be patient and not get ahead of ourselves.
To do this, we must not only practice, but also have mental strength and self-confidence. If we hesitate, we will end up losing the ball or being outplayed. Knowing how to get down on the ground at the right time, understanding your role and reading the environment are key factors.
Of course, all these tips are valid at the individual level, but we must remember that we play as a team. The coach will decide how many defenders form the line, and depending on that there will be one or another strategy, but good communication is essential.
And we don’t just mean communication with the coach, but with our fellow defenders. Knowing what gaps we and they are covering, anticipating what can happen to him and covering him in time. We have to be constantly alert to our opponents, but also to our teammates.
It is also up to us to ask for help when we need it. In short, both individual initiative and team play are important. And, once we get the ball back, it is important to make a smart clearance, either to the wing, to our players or to the hole where there is no danger. If we clear the ball in a crazy way, although sometimes there is no other option, we are likely to lose possession.
Being a complete player in a particular position takes years of practice and effort. The fact that you face different types of opponents helps you to train and understand different strategies and what you can face.
To become a better soccer defender, like all other positions, we have to play a lot and listen to our teammates and coach. Understand that the team is more important than yourself, and know how to read situations.
At Soccer Camps Pro, the clubs help to improve in all areas on and off the field. Any participant who wishes to improve in defense, no matter which club they choose, will be able to perfect these skills.
We recommend attending a soccer camp focused on soccer development. But, above all, with the objective of having a good time and meeting other people, as well as enjoying 5 days of the beautiful game.